The Austin Healey Club of WA (Inc)


Our club is managed by an elected team of 9 committee members. This committee is nominated annually at the Annual General Meeting in July for the benefit of the club's members.

The current 2024-2025 committee members are listed below with a short description of their roles.


Committee members

Paul Robertson
0427 412 136

The President consults with the secretary regarding the business to be conducted at each monthly General Meeting and Committee Meeting and convenes and presides over the General and Committee Meetings.

Peter Coleman
Contact our Secretary
0419 935 679

The Secretary is responsible for record-keeping and for the preparation of General and Committee Meeting Minutes and Correspondence.

Mike Griffiths
Contact our Treasurer
0439 366 345

The Treasurer is responsible for all Club financial aspects including the collection of membership fees, regalia, event payments, and the payment of all monies due by the Club upon authorisation from the Committee. The Treasurer also keeps and maintains proper books of accounts, and prepares and presents a financial statement to the Annual General Meeting.

David Moir
0400 813 141

The Editor is responsible for collating, formatting, presenting, and distributing the monthly Healeys West newsletter.

Committee Person
Nanette Hattingh
0405 429 422

The Committee Member(s) provide assistance within the Committee whenever needed.

Vice President
Nigel Egginton
0438 498 722

The Vice-President supports the President in their role and is delegated to run General and Committee Meetings in the President’s absence.

Membership Secretary
Diane Cooper
Contact our Membership Secretary
0408 916 512

The Membership Secretary is responsible for the management of all aspects of the Club's members, from joining, and renewals, as well as maintaining the Membership Register and communicating financial status and dues. This position also maintains a register of the member's subscriptions to the AAH magazine.

Social Secretary
Edd Black
0409 207 794

The Social Secretary organises and coordinates all the social events on the Club Calendar. These events include the annual Club Dinner and presentation event, the Club Christmas event, and other regular social events throughout the year.

Committee Person
Gail Shearer
0417 180 288

The Committee Member(s) provide assistance within the Committee whenever needed.

Non-Committee positions

Diane Cooper
Contact our Webmaster
0408 916 512

The Webmasters oversee all the features of the Club's website, solving technical problems, approving site content, and working with the developer of MYCCO to make sure the site looks and performs well.

Social Media
Fred Singleton
0408 092 900

The Social Media position maintains and publishes content on the Club's Facebook page.

CMC Delegate
Fred Singleton
0408 092 900

This position represents our Club at the Council of Motoring Clubs and reports back to our committee on the outcomes of their meetings.

Concessional Licensing Registrar and Vehicle Registrar
Rod Lloyd
Contact our Concessional Licensing Registrar and Vehicle Registrar
0416 231 003  

This position provides information to and assists members with either code 404 or code C4C concessional licensing process. Records and receives emails from members with cars on code 404 licences who take their cars on an impromptu run. Maintains a register of Austin Healeys held in Western Australia and their histories.

Parts Officer - Sprite
Rod Lloyd
0416 231 003  

This is the person to contact if you are looking for parts for the Austin Healey Sprite.

Parts Officer - Big Healey
George Noble
0422 319 431  

This is the person you can contact for parts for all Big Healeys except Sprites.

National Delegate
Nigel Egginton
0438 498 722

The National Delegate is a member of The Austin Healey Club of WA who has the responsibility of representing this Club at meetings of Delegates from 5 State-based Austin Healey Clubs.

National Delegate
Paul Robertson
0427 412 136

The National Delegate is a member of The Austin Healey Club of WA who has the responsibility of representing this Club at meetings of Delegates from 5 State-based Austin Healey Clubs.

The Austin Healey Club of WA (Inc)
PO Box 70 Maylands WA 6931
Phone 0419 935 679
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